Calleva Park Solar Generation
We own 210 kWp of solar PV across sixteen sites in Calleva Park and we manage sixteen energy customers on-site. |
Calleva Park Energy Efficiency
Over £15,000 has been spent in Calleva Park on energy efficiency so far, using funds from our surplus and other funds we have facilitated. This has been spent with our property partners - on LED, roof insulation and heating and cooling units - to help cut costs and carbon emissions. |
Energy Efficiency Audits
We have invested in our local community in projects such as energy efficiency audits, for example with the Tadley Community Centre. These pinpoint ways in which energy efficiency can be upgraded to help save energy and the building's running costs. |
Birmingham Science Park
We own and manage 190 kWp of rooftop solar PV on the iCentrum and Faraday Wharf buildings in the Birmingham Science Park. |
Solar Park development
We have successfully applied for planning permission for a small solar farm near Rugeley using tracker solar PV. |
Citizens Advice Tadley
We have provided a grant to help Citizens Advice Tadley support those in the community who were struggling with energy bills. |
Enborne Solar Farm
We are working with the Enborne Parish Council and the Enborne Field Charity to develop a 3MW solar farm. Funding awarded by the Rural Community Energy Fund has helped us reach the point of achieving planning permission. We plan to raise funds and install as soon as possible. |
Barlow’s Park Community Football Ground
We are partners in planning and developing renewable energy installations with the Barlow's Park Community Football Ground. This will help cut their costs and carbon emissions. |
Whiteborough Solar Farm
The 2MW solar farm site on Whiteborough Farm has a 2MW grid connection and full planning permission. This site has now become a part of the Big Solar Coop portfolio. We expect it to be built soon. |